
Project code: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2021-1939

Contract number: 689PED ⁄ 2022

Physical encryption and compactization of data via optical Fourier transform

Acronym: PHYCOD

Contractor: National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics (INFLPR) 

The encoding of data may be used for secrecy and/or compactization. It is useful in military applications, in security, and in any circumstance in which the content of the information is sensitive and the opportunities for data transmission are limited, such as satellite communication. Mathematical transforms such as Hadamard or, to a lesser extent, Fourier, if they are applied to input data having a high degree of redundancy, turn the input into encrypted data with many empty spaces. Redundancy is converted into sparsity. The Fourier transform has the advantage that it can be performed physically as easily as diffraction on a lens for instance. In optical processing of information data encryption, especially in the 4f configuration, is done for some time. With the advent of digital phase shift holography significant progress has been made in the field in terms of convenience and complexity. In scientific literature, some theoretical and experimental techniques share some but not all of the following aspects: encryption of data, compactization of data, physical realization, digital recording, phase shift interferometry, and holography. We propose and do an original experimental technique that combines the advantages of all these aspects. Input data that may be presented as a transmission or a reflection mask will be recorded via phase shift digital holography as an encrypted and compressed file. 

Contract duration: 21/06/2022 – 20/06/2024

Stage 1 - The concept of physical encryption - compactization of data via Fourier transform

Stage 2 - Preliminary configuration of the experimental setup for physical encryption - compactization and decryption - decompaction of data

Stage 3 - Final configuration of experimental setup for physical encryption - compaction and decryption - decompaction of data   


Published on  June 13th, 2024