Summary of the activities proposed in stage 3 and the results obtained for each activity

The last stage of the project lasted 5 months and included 4 main activities. The team, formed by eight researchers from the National Institute for Laser, Plasma, and Radiation Physics (INFLPR), fulfilled the project objectives.

3.1  Installation and compatibilization of equipment and components (3)

This activity is a continuation of the activity from the previous stage (activity 2.1). It consisted of improving the two assemblies by compacting them into one. The optimization of operating parameters and configuration of the experimental model has been completed. 

3.2  Optimization and adding feedback for the experimental model 

The evaluation and experiences gained at this stage, used to improve the experimental model, were presented. The mean square error between the obtained image and the initial one was calculated, as well as the SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) of the image obtained after decryption.

3.3  Testing the experimental model for determination of the parameters of interest

We presented the results of laboratory tests, necessary to determine the parameters of interest and compare them with those in the literature. Other methods of encryption – optical decryption used in the literature – were also listed. It has also been demonstrated that the optical encryption and decryption process by Fourier transform is functional.  

3.4  Dissemination

The scientific paper, which was accepted to be published (in press) previous stage, was published in the first number of this year. P. C. Logofătu, C. Udrea, F. Garoi, „ Physical encryption – compression and decryption – decompression of data using the Fourier transform,” Romanian Reports in Physics ( Also, we have three presentations at international conferences:

  1. C. Udrea, F. Garoi, M. Bojan; “Physical encryption – compression and decryption – decompression of data using the Fourier transform” European Conference On Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy ECONOS 2024, 21-24 April, Viena, Austria, ECONOS 2024 – European Conference On Non-Linear Optical Spectroscopy 2024 (, poster;
  2. M. Bojan, C. Udrea, I. Urzica; “Optical processing, spectroscopy, and image encryption, using the Fourier transform as a key analysis tool”, European Conference On Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy ECONOS 2024, 21-24 April, Viena, Austria, ECONOS 2024 – European Conference On Non-Linear Optical Spectroscopy 2024 (, poster;
  3. C. Udrea, T. Tozar, P. C. Logofatu;” Experimental setup for encryption – compression and decryption – decompression of data”, 2nd International Conference on Laser, Plasma and Radiation Science and Technology ICPLR-ST, June 16-21, 2024, Danube Delta, Romania, ICLPR-ST 2024 Danube Delta – International Conference on Lasers, Plasma, and Radiation – Science and Technology (, poster.

At least, the project web page has been updated and completed: 

Published on  June 19th, 2024