Summary of the activities proposed in stage 2 and the results obtained for each activity

The project's second stage lasted 12 months and consisted of 6 activities. The work was carried out, entirely, by the project's team, formed by eight researchers from the National Institute for Laser, Plasma, and Radiation Physics (INFLPR). 

2.1 Installation and compatibilization of equipment and components (2)

In the first activity of the second stage, we added the second configuration of the setup for decryption-decompression, done with the help of SLM (spatial light modulator). We verified their compatibility by adding new components to the existing ones. Also, we have improved the parameters of the setup from the first stage, of this project, and verified with success the functionality of natural decompression.

2.2  Diffraction over the lens as detection-compression

Identification of the physical phenomenon of diffraction over lenses as a “natural” method for encryption-decryption and compression-decompression of data. We explain the parallel between Hadamard and Fourier transforms, and show that the lens diffraction can be used as a "natural" compressing tool.  

2.3 Adaptation of phase-shifting digital holography for physical encryption- compression and recording of data

We have adapted the existing phase-shifting digital holography technique, in our experimental setup for physical encryption-compression data, necessary for recording amplitude and phase information of the Fourier spectrum. 

2.4 Combination of the techniques developed during activities 2.2 and 2.3 for the realization of an experimental model for physical encryption-compression of data 

From the defining aspects of the techniques developed during activities 2.2 and 2.3, cumulated with the experience gained from the scientific and technical documentation of stage 1, we retain the advantages and the appropriate aspects from each one, into a preliminary configuration of the experimental model of physical encryption-compression of data. 

2.5 Physical decryption-decompression of data using a lens and a phase spatial modulator

The completion of the preliminary configuration of the experimental model with the reciprocal technique of physical decryption and decompression of data. We use it as a means for encryption and compression (iterative Fourier transform algorithm) IFTA because it allows for greater latitude in the selection of encryption key and sparsity distributions.

2.6 Dissemination

We have a scientific paper accepted to be published (in press), and participation at several international conferences with invited lessons and posters. Here is the list:  


P. C. Logofătu, C. Udrea, F. Garoi, „ Physical encryption – compression and decryption – decompression of data using the Fourier transform,” Romanian Reports in Physics, in print,

Conference presentations:

  1. P.C. Logofatu, C. Udrea, I. Urzica, M. Bojan,­ and I. Ardelean,­­ „ Terahertz imaging and spectroscopy as investigation techniques,” 11th International Symposium on Optics and its Applications - OPTICS11, 11-15 July 2023, Yerevan – Ashtarak, Armenia, .;
  2. P.C. Logofatu, C. Udrea, F. Garoi, „The concept of encryption – compression of data using the physical Fourier transform” 11th International Symposium on Optics and its Applications - OPTICS11, 11-15 July 2023, Yerevan – Ashtarak, Armenia, .;
  3. I. Urzica, A. Simion, P.C. Logofatu, C. Udrea, P. Gheorghe “Microfluidic properties of laser exposed metallic surface” 11th International Conference on Radiation, Natural Sciences, Medicine, Engineering, Technology and Ecology RAD11, June 19-23, 2023, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, RAD_2023-Book_of_Abstracts.pdf ( ;
  4. P.C. Logofatu, C. Udrea, I. Urzica, F. Garoi, „Physical encryption-compression and decryption-decompression of data using Fourier transform”, SICT 2023 / PlasmaTech 2023 / tribology 2023 Joint Conferences, 26 – 28 April 2023, Lisbon, Portugal ;
  5. I. Urzica, A. Simion, C. Udrea, “Microfluidic properties of the metallic surface using nanosecond laser ablation”, 6th International Conference on emerging technologies in materials engineering – EmergeMAT, 9-10 November 2023, Bucharest, Romania, Book-of-Abstracts-EmergeMAT-2023.pdf (;
  6. P.C. Logofatu, C. Udrea, I. Urzica, F. Garoi, “Compression sensing and encryption of data using the physical Fourier transform”, 6th International Conference on emerging technologies in materials engineering – EmergeMAT, 9-10 November 2023, Bucharest, Romania, Book-of-Abstracts-EmergeMAT-2023.pdf ( .

Also, the project web page has been updated. Its web address is 


Published on  June 13th, 2024